Guidelines for Isolated SnowBreakerPlacement
Isolated Areas and Doorways: In theory, a snow guard can not hold snow and ice in an isolated are on a roof because the load of the frozen mass will extend to the unprotected are at a about a 45 degree angle from the guard. This severely overloads the snow retention system and will cause premature release and eventual failure. Since the SnowBreaker is not designed to hold snow for very long this theory can be modified by placing the SnowBreaker product in a 45 degree angle over the desired isolated area of the roof that you may want to protect. This is a huge cost savings over conventional snow guard systems that require the entire roof area to have snow retention just to insure protection an areas such as door vicinities. Please see drawing for recommended placement over doorways and isolated areas. CAUTION, the SnowBreaker product may not be a total protection solution for vent pipes, chimneys and masts!

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